Determinants that Impact Employee Health at Workplace
Here are the tips to encourage better employee health
at your workplace.
From physical,
chemical to biological hazards, there are the multitudes of health hazardsexist
at your workplace. It can be a wet floor that causes slip or harmful chemicals.
Then, the risk of bacteria and viruses can’t be sidelined. Sometimes poor
sitting arrangements can harm the musculoskeletal system.
Therefore, it’s not wrong to say that several kind of health hazards are
lurking at your workplace.
As an employer,
it’s your legal duty to take care of your employees and protect them from such
hazards. You need to promote and manage workplace health and safety to prevent
accidents and health issues.
It can be done by identifying, monitoring and minimizing the risks.
1. Work Over Your Workplace Safety:
Is the quality of
air right? Is the light over the stairwell working? Do you have put warning
signs at the slippery floors? Do you have emergency exits? There are many areas
to be taken care of. For having a consolidated workplace safety, consider
working with a workplace health and safety consultants. They are the
professionals who help identify the concerns and make suggestions accordingly.
2. Ensure Them a Physical Comfort:
From a computer
keyboard to the chair, there are many things that may be causing physical
discomfort to your employees. It can lead tomuscle pain or cumulative injuries,
numbness in fingers, back problems, therebyincreasing absenteeism. Therefore,
you need to improve ergonomics in your workplace. For example, giving them
pneumatic seats with appropriate back rest, ergonomic keyboards, monitor with
easy brightness and contrast features, footrest and task lighting can help
minimize health problems related to poor postures or repetitive tasks.
3. Take Care of Their Mental Health:
While stress is an obvious
part of the modern work culture, you should support your employees as well as
boost their morale. This can be done by providing compassion, especially to
those who are troubled; avoiding blame and forgiving mistakes and promoting
employee engaging activities.
4. Educate and Train Your Employees:
Make sure to train and educate your employees to
prevent the risks associated with their jobs. Here’s how…
them written instructions. · Supervise them to make sure that they are applying their training in their job.
· Ask if they have any specific safety concerns.
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